Established by U.N. resolution in 1982, "Peace Day" has grown to include millions of people around the world who participate in all kinds of events, large and small.

May Peace Prevail On Earth!

Día de la Paz

Cada 30 de Enero los centros escolares celebran el día de la PAZ
Desde el IES PEDRO JIMENEZ MONTOYA de Baza APOSTAMOS POR LA PAZ y este año hemos preparado este blog para que todo el mundo pueda expresar su deseo de PAZ, para que toda la gente que quiera escriba un mensaje de PAZ.

La Paz es una tarea de todos y TODOS nos tenemos que comprometer a construirla.

Os animamos a que participéis en el compromiso para conseguir la PAZ

I have a dream too

Manifiesto por la Paz año 2010

No nos gusta la violencia. No es justo que tengamos que vivir en un mundo en el que cada día los medios de comunicación nos informan de algún acto de violencia del tipo que sea.

MANIFESTAMOS NUESTRO DESACUERDO CON LA GUERRA, porque representa el empleo de la fuerza en lugar de la razón entre los pueblos y hace que mueran personas inocentes, incluso niños como nosotros. Las guerras evitan el desarrollo de las ciudades y hacen el mundo más triste, empequeñeciéndolo.

NO NOS GUSTA EL TERRORISMO, porque es el empleo del asesinato como argumento en lugar de la palabra. No entendemos por qué algunos matan a otros que trabajan para mejorar las cosas. ¿Qué derecho tienen los terroristas sobre la vida de nadie?

NO NOS GUSTA LA VIOLENCIA DOMÉSTICA, que destruye a las familias, sin tener en cuenta lo que podamos pensar nosotros, los adultos del mañana.

TAMPOCO NOS GUSTA LA VIOLENCIA CALLEJERA, porque es una falta de respeto hacia la sociedad.

NO NOS GUSTAN NI EL ODIO, NI EL RENCOR, NI LA ENVIDIA, NI LA MENTIRA..., que muchas veces se dan entre nosotros mismos, porque nos embrutecen y nos hacen infelices.

MANIFESTAMOS NUESTRO DESACUERDO CONTRA EL RACISMO, no es correcto que a las personas se las trate de forma diferente porque sean de distinto color o de distinta clase social.

NO NOS GUSTAN NI LA DROGA NI EL ALCOHOLISMO, porque destruyen nuestra vida, nuestras ilusiones y nuestros proyectos y no nos dejan ser libres para elegir.

En este Día de la PAZ los/as alumnos/as del instituto Pedro Jimenez Montoya, queremos:

Emplear el diálogo en lugar de la fuerza.

Colaborar para tener un instituto y una ciudad donde podamos ser felices.

Respetar a padres, profesores, hermanos, amigos...

Perdonar, ser generosos, compartir y no engañar a los que nos rodean.

Ayudar y tratar con igualdad a los que vienen de otros países y son de otra raza.

Y a trabajar por una sociedad en la que podamos vivir

respetándonos y con MUCHA PAZ

(Jose Antonio Martínez Ramírez)


Manifiesto por la paz

Sobre la paz.

Nuestra casa, la Tierra, en la cual todos, indiferentemente de nuestra forma de pensar, hemos sido acogidos, se está poniendo muy triste. Nosotros, sus habitantes, nos empeñamos en lastimarnos unos a otros; degradamos el medioambiente, y fabricamos todo tipo de armas que matan a todo ser vivo.

Hoy y siempre desde estas líneas, quiero pedir la paz. Por eso queremos vaciar nuestras manos muchas veces llenas de las armas del rencor, del odio, de la venganza. Queremos ofrecer nuestras manos para acariciar a los que sufren los horrores de las guerras, del terrorismo, del racismo, de los malos tratos, de los abusos, de la discriminación, de la miseria, en especial a aquellos que tan mal lo están pasando en Haiti.

Todos alguna vez nos hemos preguntado por qué si queremos la paz, hay gente que mata; por qué si a todos nos gusta la naturaleza hay gente que destruye nuestro planeta. Por qué los que mandan en el mundo se gastan los dineros en fabricar armas si nos causan tanto daño, y nos hacen llorar.

Queremos que los puertos de mar, no se usen, para transportar materiales de guerra. No más barcos de guerra. Queremos barcos de papel con mensajes de ánimo. Ya vale de balas malas, basta ya de balas de alambre. Queremos balas que maten el hambre.

¡Ah! Necesitamos:

- Bombas que estallen de alegría y misiles de colorines…

- Luna llena, para que no se apague la fiesta en toda la noche.

- La intervención aérea de un amanecer precioso.

- Y miles de rosas rojas para regalarlas entre los vecinos a todas horas.

A nosotros, nos gusta jugar; no entendemos por qué el dinero no se usa para comprar juguetes y alegrar a todos los niños que están tristes; o en hacer escuelas para aprender a leer y así divertirse con la lectura de libros. O comprar alimentos para todos niños que se mueren de hambre en otros lugares del Mundo.

Sabemos que la paz la podemos hacer entre todos. Por eso nos comprometemos a que en nuestra familia, en nuestro Instituto haya más paz; a ser más respetuosos entre nosotros; a no insultar, a no pelear, a ser más generosos con nuestros compañeros. Así pronto haremos de la Tierra, verdaderamente nuestro hogar. Un mundo lleno de cariño, de comprensión, de libertad, de amor, y PAZ.

Queremos un camino para ir a la paz, sin peajes y sin fronteras, …!ah!, pero que sea ancho, para que todo el mundo pueda entran por él.

Niños y Niñas: ¡ VIVA LA PAZ !

( José Antonio Martínez Ramirez)

It's in your hands

It's in your hands

Peace in your hands

Para ello trata de:

- Respetar las ideas de quienes te rodean

- Aportar tus ideas para mejorar tu comunidad, no para destruirla

- No criticar a las personas, sino ayudarlas

-Expresar tus sentimientos y deseos, teniendo en cuenta que los demás también tienen sentimientos y deseos
- Coger siempre lo positivo de la vida.

Si vis pacem, faci amorem.

En la Antigüedad clásica, tanto griegos como romanos, se caracterizaron por las continuas guerras que llevaron a cabo.

Los romanos tenían el siguiente lema: “si vis pacem, para bellum, por ello las guerras se sucedieron una tres otra. Construyeron el templo de Jano, para que en tiempos de guerra sus puertas se mantuvieran abiertas y tan sólo se cerraron en dos ocasiones, ya en époce del Imperio.

El mundo griego estaba tan agitado por diferentes guerras que se decretó una tregua sagrada con motivo de los Juegos Olímpicos, durante los cuales se suspendía toda actividad guerrera.

Aristófanes, escritor griego del siglo V A.C., nos ha dejado la obra de Lisístrata, que es un manifiesto en defensa de la paz, pues las mujeres, cansadas ya de soportar las largas ausencias de sus maridos debido a las guerras, proponen que para conseguir la paz fuera de sus casas declararán la guerra dentro de ellas, forzando a sus maridos a concertar la paz, pues se negaban a mantener relaciones sexuales con ellos mientras hubiera guerra. Su lema podríamos decir que es como el de los hippies “si quieres la paz, haz el amor” .

(Departamento de Lenguas Clásicas)

Pax Romana

Pax Romana

El "Día de la Paz" llevado al aula

Nuestro centro se encuentra inmerso en la celebración del “Día de la Paz”; yo, como el resto de docentes me hago partícipe del mismo e intento proyectarlo en mi labor, como tutora, como profe...y como persona.
Sin embargo, y con cierta ironía, me planteo cómo llevar al día a día la paz a mi aula cuando alguna de las asignaturas que imparto se basa fundamentalmente en guerras y conflictos; me refiero a la Historia de 4º (la cual, por cierto me apasiona).
Vosotros, mis alumnos/as de 4º curso sabéis de lo que estoy hablando; estudiamos una larga Historia basándonos en conflictos políticos, ideológicos y religiosos, que en numerosas ocasiones desembocan en el enfrentamiento directo con repercusiones tanto en el interior como en el exterior (esos que yo os obligo a estudiar con lógica y tesón) y que incluso logro justificar.
Venga, vamos a repasar: Carlos I rechazado al llegar a “España” por no haber nacido ni haberse criado aquí entre nuestras costumbres, por su idioma y por su procedencia (podría recordarnos a algo mucho más cercano, ¿verdad?). A su vez él rechaza a los que no comparten su religión. Sus sucesores participan en guerras que tienen su origen en sus antepasados, fomentan la lucha. Amigos y a la vez enemigos, la política y la diplomacia cambiante.
Guerra por alcanzar un trono, guerra para solucionar y sentenciar la hegemonía en Europa, guerra por controlar un mar o por ocupar un puerto. Guerra para derrocar a un rey, por cambiar una ideología, por romper las estructuras. Guerra para sustituir una cosa por otra parecida, …pero guerra al fin y al cabo.
Revolución ideológica a favor de la libertad y la igualdad que se transforma en…???:Guerra, claro.
Tratados y pactos que provisionalmente frenan la guerra, pero sólo temporalmente; la Historia Contemporánea nos lleva otra vez a ella. Guerras de unificación y guerras por liberar territorios, guerras de ocupación y guerras en Europa que se internacionalizan.
Hoy la palabra guerra se traduce en nuestro entorno más cercano en conflicto, en enfrentamiento. Esa palabra tan útil y grande en la historia, tan usada, se ve en nuestros ojos como algo lejano. Pero la realidad no es así. Basta un vistazo al periódico y oír las noticias. Y tantas otras guerras mudas, de las que no oímos ni vemos nada.
Evitemos la guerra y hagamos historia sin ella. Convirtamos nuestro centro en lugar de paz y convivencia. Aprendamos de la Historia y hagamos por ello historia; ánimo, entre todos podemos.


jueves, 21 de enero de 2010

I have a dream too!

Write your own "I have a dream " speech

24 comentarios:

  1. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up... live out the true meaning of its creed. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.

    I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will they be able to sit down together.
    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

    I have a dream today.

    (Martin Luther King)


    I have a dream that one day this nation will be united.
    I have a dream that one day all the people can be free.
    I have a dream that one day the womans can be important for us.
    I have a dream that everybody will be equal.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day this nation will be the best.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day there won't terrorist attacks.
    This is my hope and faith. with this faith we will be able to be the best nation.
    This will be the day when our nation will be better.

    José Fº Vallejo Jiménez

  3. “I have a dream”

    I have a dream that one day this nation will be better.
    I have a dream that one day the bad people dessapear.
    I have a dream that one day the people will be free.
    I have a dream that everybody will be equal.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day no more people will die in a war.
    I have a dream today.
    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to have a better life.
    This will be the day when everybody will be happy, equal and free.

  4. I have a dream that one day this nation will be the whole world.
    I have a dream that one day the people will be free.
    I have a dream that one day the child explotation will finish.
    I have a dream that everybody will have the same rigth.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day all the women and men will be equal.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day won't more war.
    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be to have a better life.
    This will be the day when the poverty will finish.

    Cinthia Parra Pérez


    I have a dream that one day this nation will be united and will be better.
    I have a dream that one day the womans and the mans live in equaility.
    I have a dream that one day the poberty dissappear.
    I have a dream that one day don't exist the racism.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day will the people be solidarity with the poor people.
    This is my hope and faith.With this faith will be able to make a better life and a better world.
    This will be the day when the world will be better.
    Estefania Yeste Mancebo.

  6. I have a dream that one day this nation will be the whole world.
    I have a dream that one day men and women will be equal.
    I have a dream that one day everybody will be free.
    I have a dream that my world will one day be united.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day the Third World doesn't exist, because this will mean everybody will be equal.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day people who think they're superior change their ideas..
    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to make all the people think it's posible and join to get it real.
    This will be the day when everybody will be really free and equal.

    I have a dream that one day this nation will be only one.
    I have a dream that one day every Spanish community obeys the law.
    I have a dream that one day any community wants to separate from Spain.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day every Spanish feels pride of live here.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day stop the conflicts inside many communities.
    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to be better Spanish and we'll have a stronger nation.
    This will be the day when every Spanish knows that Spain can't be divide.

    Pilar M. Martínez Moya

  8. I have a dream

    I have a dream that one day this nation will be united

    i have a dream that one day there won't be more wars

    i have a dream that one day there won't be more poberty

    i have a dream thar one day no one will be different from each other

    i have a dream today

    i have a dream that one day everyone can live without fights

    i have a dream today

    i have a dream that one day everyone will have something to eat, to drink, to wear

    this is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able yo change every bad thing at the world

    this will be the day when everything can be possible

    Irene Sánchez

  9. I have a dream too!

    i have a dream that one day this nation will be the most egalitarian ever with real equality between all people

    i have a dream that one day there won't be lies and corruption

    i have a dream that one day in all the world the human rights will be cumpliment by all and for all the people

    i have a dream today

    ihave a dream that one day all people in the world will be able to have access to the basic things for me like food, water, house, medicines and education.

    i have a dream today

    i have a dream that one day everyone will be free, really free

    this is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to be a better brotherhood, because we are all equal persons.

    this will be the day when will be born our new world

    Jose Ant. López

  10. “I HAVE A DREAM TOO” Alberto Almirante Sánchez

    I have a dream that one day this nation will get a solution for the chaos in this world.
    I have a dream that one day freedom and equality will prevail over tyranny.
    I have a dream that one day nobody will be judge by it's costumes.
    I have a dream that many religions live together without any problem.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day inequality will be throw into truth deep pool.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day that everybody will be equal to the person next to him.
    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to create a better world without corruption and inattention.
    This will be the day when people open their hearts towards free ideas.

    “I HAVE A DREAM TOO” Almudena Lorenzo Guardia

    I have a dream that one day this nation will be equal
    I have a dream that one day the violence will disapear
    I have a dream that one day the solidarity will bed equal in all the nation
    I have a dream that one day the people will respect everybody
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day the third wordl will disapear
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day bad people disapear
    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to have a better world
    This will be the day when world think about all this problems.

  11. “I Have a Dream Too”

    I have a dream that one day will be better.
    I have a dream that one day everybody will be happy.
    I have a dream that one day everybody will be equality.
    I have a dream that I will be better.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day my town will be a capital.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream today that one day the world will be without pollution
    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to help the people of Haiti.
    This will be the day when the dream comes true.

    Noelia Corral Hernandez.

  12. I have a dream too!!

    I have a dream that one day this nation will be equal.
    I have a dream that one day the world will be free.
    I have a dream that one day there won't be criminals.
    I have a dream that third world doesn't exits.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day man and women will be equal.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day there won't be terrorist atacks.
    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to have a better life.
    This will be the day when we can life together.

    Cristian Sánchez Cano

  13. I have a dream that one day this nation will improve.
    I have a dream that one day violence will disappear.
    I have a dream that one day hunger will no longer exist.
    I have a dream that people from the third world will be able to live better.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that wars will stop.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day everybody will recycle for saving the planet.
    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to be better people.
    This will be the day when my dreams will come true.

    María Hernández Navarro. 4ºA


    I have a dream that one day this nation will be more generous with the third world.
    I have a dream that one day there won't be poverty.
    I have a dream that one day there won't be violence.
    I have a dream that this world will improve.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day there will be equality.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day we will help needy people.
    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to change the world.
    This will be the day when we will be better people.

    Maria Maestra Lozano. 4º A

  15. “I Have a Dream Too”

    I have a dream that one day this nation will not earthquakes.
    I have a dream that one day Haiti will improve.
    I have a dream that one day these people won't be starve.
    I have a dream that they will have the necessary public health.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day there will not be disasters that destroy the family life.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream today that one day these people will have strong and comfortable houses.
    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to help them.
    This will be the day when we will sleep relaxed and they will be happy.

    Celia Cárceles Lozano.

  16. I have a dream!

    I have a dream that one day this nation will be better.

    I have a dream that one day all the children in the world will have got school.

    I have a dream that one day the kids won't work.

    I have a dream that all the children in the world will be happy.

    I have a dream today.

    I have a dream that one day all the people will have a job.

    I have a dream today.

    I have a dream that one day nobody in the world will be angry.

    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to change the world and all the people in the world will be happy.

    This will be the day when all will be different.

    Silvia Marín Piernas.

  17. I have a dream.

    I have a dream, that one day this nation will be able to hug at the same time all the cultures.

    I have a dream, that one day people won't kill each other.

    I have a dream, that one day people will help poor people.

    I have a dream, that one day poeple will believe in Spain and will trust on it.

    I have a dream today.

    I have a dream, that one daypeople will offer theri hands to help people who need it and deserve it, with no tricks behind their smiles.

    I have a dream today.

    I have a dream, that one day people won't discriminate people because of their race.

    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to make a better world.

    This will be the day when humanity started to make a better world.

    Antonio Rico Torres.

  18. Francisco Polaino Sola

    “I have a Dream Too”

    I have a dream that one day this nation will be the best.
    I have a dream that one day person love their country.
    I have a dream that one day person work united.
    I have a dream that will be most respect in the word.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day people respect the bulls.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day people like football.
    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to have the same things and hobbies.
    This will be the day when all people love the same things.

    Juan Pablo Martínez Sánchez

    “I have a Dream Too”

    I have a dream that one day this nation will be better.
    I have a dream that one day all people will like this nation.
    I have a dream that one day people will be happy.
    I have a dream that the future will change all.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day the nation will be rich.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day the nation will be rich.
    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to get rich, healthy and with lot of friends.
    This will be the day when people be happy.

  19. "I have a dream too!"

    I have a dream that one this nation will be an example for the rest of the world.

    I have a dream that one day people in Africa and other poor places will live as us.

    I have a dream that one day scientits will discover the cure for cancer and other illness.

    I have a dream that one day peace, respect and equality will be possible.

    I have a dream today.

    I have a dream that one day child labour won't exists.

    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we well be able to change and make a better world.

    Ana Marín

  20. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  21. I have a dream that one day this nation will be joined to the others nations, making an only one nation where freedom and experience where the only kings.

    I have a dream that one day people will be able to think with their minds and live with their heart.

    I have a dream that one day the man of Pcnews bring me the Uncharted 2 game.

    I have a dream that one day my computer works correctly and can play any game and specially Slime Games.

    I have a dream today.

    I have a dream that one day rubbish music (I mean, all the disco/dancing and commercial clowns) will dissapear.

    I have a dream today, and yesterday of course.

    I have a dream that one day Antonio's basement will have a good TV, and everything will be destructible.

    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to listen to good music, play many videogames and lazing around everytime.
    This will be the day when world will be just and rancid.

    Carlos García Sola - TDK

  22. I have a dream that one day this nation will be joined.
    I have a dream that one day women and men will be equal.
    I have a dream that one day there won't be criminals and bad people.
    I have a dream that prejuices of persons will dissapear.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day there won't be terrorist attacks.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day there won't be poor people and everyone will have a job.
    This is my hope and faith.With this faith we will be able to have a better life.
    This will be the day when everything will be okay.
    Aida Centeno Barrera.

  23. "I have a dream"

    I have a dream that one day this nation will be a nation with the true meaning of freedom.

    I have a dream that one day we will live in a world with the true meaning of equality.

    I have a dream that one day we will live in a world with the true meaningt of solidarity.

    I have a dream which a world withouth especulation.

    I have a dream today

    I have a dream today we will live in world with peace.

    I have a dream today.

    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to fight for our objectives.

    This will be the day when the dream will happen.

    Ramón Gómez Laguna 4º ESO A

  24. I have a Dream Too

    I have a dream that one day this nation will the most respectfully country of the world.
    I have a dream that one day people don be separate by their economy, social, religious class.
    I have a dream that one day the people don't scary to tell their ideas and feeling.
    I have a dream that all the people will be free to live their lifes how their want.
    I have a dream today.
    I have a dream that one day the people can live with the person that they want.
    This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to create a better world.
    This will be the day when the people decide to revolutionate that world.

    Mario Carrión Cano


Arts and Crafts

Arts and Crafts
How to make a peace crane